The security of commercial properties is highly relevant in this rapid, technology-advanced world. Security often involves protecting workers, valuable assets, and the business as a whole. Installing automatic door openers in commercial properties takes security and comfortability to the next level.

The security door does more than prevent wrong or harmful people from gaining entrance. It also prevents pests like spiders, mice, and flies from finding their way in. 

With automatic door security systems rising, businesses find that advanced technology offers protection and efficiency. 

In a time when physical safety and data security have become equally important, secure entry systems are fast becoming the commercial space solution to staying one step ahead of modern security challenges.

The article proceeds to outline how such systems are shaping the future of commercial security.

How Automatic Door Openers Work in Commercial Properties?

Mechanism of Automatic Door Openers

Automatic Door Openers in Commercial Properties use advanced technology to ensure that entry and exit are as smooth as possible yet highly secure.

These doors work based on sensors that detect the approach of an individual or someone in need of entering.

Once the sensor detects movement, it sends signals to the door’s opening mechanism, powered by an electric motor. This motor works according to the door type; sliding, swinging, or revolving ensures smooth operation.

How Does it Work?

  • Sensor Detection: A sensor detects motion or a signal, such as when someone has come near the door.
  • Transmission of Signal: On detection, the sensor sends a signal to the door’s operating mechanism.
  • Door Activation: The motor receives a signal that opens the door for safe and hands-free access.

Enhancing Security with Sensors and Access Control

Indeed, automatic security door systems go beyond mere entry. With the integration of motion sensors, keycard access, and control devices, several layers of security are achieved with these systems, including the following: 

  • Motion Sensors: Allow hands-free access while refusing entry to the unauthorized.
  • Keycard Access: Controlled access, whereby employees/visitors must scan a card.
  • Control Devices: These allow for manual overriding of the door in case of emergency or locking of the doors for security reasons.

Integration with Other Security Mechanisms

Automatic door security systems can be integrated with other security mechanisms to enhance protection. For instance:

  • CCTV Integration: Links up with cameras, which monitor entry points to keep track of movements.
  • Alarm Systems: Triggers off alarms for unauthorized access or tampering.
  • Access Control Systems: These work with biometric scanners or RFID systems to ensure passage only to authorized personnel.

Integrating all these technologies, Automatic Door Openers are a wholesome solution for enhancing the security of commercial properties.

Types of Automatic Doors Openers

Different technologies are integrated into types of automatic door openers, which meet the unique security needs of business properties. Some of the commonly used types are given below.

Automatic Motion Sensor-Based Openers

How Does It Work?

  • These are designed to avoid physical contact with people and open themselves once any movement around them is detected.
  • They are appropriate in high-traffic areas such as lobbies, storefronts, and various entrances.

Security Features

While this might be very convenient, additional security installations, such as cameras or access control systems, may be required to avoid unauthorized access.

RFID Card Access Automatic Door Openers


  • An opener that grants access to its users by scanning an RFID card or tag using Radio Frequency Identification Technology.
  • Suitable for office buildings, hotels, and other places with restricted zones.

Security Advantages

  • Provides better control by giving access only to authorized personnel.
  • Provides logs with entry and exit information, thus enhancing tracking and monitoring capability. Hence, it becomes imperative from a practical application point of view for Commercial Door Automation Solutions.

Biometric-Based Automatic Door Openers

Operating Principle

  •  These systems provide identification through a biometric mechanism that checks fingerprints, faces, or even retinas.
  • They find their application in highly secured installations such as laboratories, data centers, and financial institutions.

Advanced Security

  • It possesses a high level of security because it reduces the possibility of unauthorized access.
  • For this reason, the biometric-based opener plays an imperative role in the Automatic Door Security System for businesses that need very high security.

Each type of opener balances convenience and security so that the boost in the security of commercial properties exactly matches the needs of the particular business in question.

Advantages of Automatic Door Openers for Commercial Properties

The Automatic door openers for commercial properties have several advantages. Here are some:

Corporate Buildings

  • Security: In the corporate environment, secure entry systems provide security at every level, from securing entry points to protecting highly confidential data. 
  • Access Control: Employees and visitors can enter or leave the premises without compromising security, while various access control systems or biometrics provide permission levels to those entering the premises.

 Retail and Shopping Malls

  • Customer Safety: Automatic door security systems in retail provide convenience to customers, allowing them easy access. These door security systems are a valuable addition to security, as they control the entry or exit of retail premises. 
  • Loss Prevention: That can be interfaced with alarms or CCTV as part of the mechanism for deterring theft and ensuring a secure shopping environment.

Healthcare Facilities

  • Protecting Sensitive Areas: Commercial Door Automation Solutions in healthcare secure critical areas such as laboratories, pharmacies, and restricted wards.
  • Integrating Automatic Openers: Automatic openers integrated with access control limit entry to authorized medical personnel only, minimizing the chances of compromising patient safety or losing valuable resources.

Financial Institutions

  • Regulated Access to Secure Areas: Banks and financial institutions rely on automatic doors to regulate access to vaults, private offices, and areas where transactions occur in the interest of security. 
  • RFID card access:  Such systems often combine biometric authentication or RFID card access to help ensure that only authorized personnel can access these sensitive areas, minimizing the chances of any potential breaches and unauthorized entries.

In all these settings, automatic door openers improve security and convenience; thus, they are an indispensable part of modern commercial security solutions.

Selecting the Right Automatic Door Openers for Your Business

Assessment of Security Needs

Like any other choice, one should consider specific security needs when choosing automatic door openers in commercial properties. Consider the following factors:

  • Best Protection: Security priorities will determine what needs the best protection, such as sensitive data rooms or employee-only zones.
  • Location: Is the house in a high-traffic area or surrounded by a neighborhood that requires heightened security?
  • Design of Building: Your design will determine your choice of automatic door opener, whether it is designed as an entrance or an emergency exit.

Common Challenges and Solutions with Automatic Door Openers

System Malfunction and Power Outage: One key concern with Automatic Door Openers in Commercial Properties is any system malfunction or power outage that might disrupt access and compromise security.

  • Solution: Installation of backup power systems, including battery backups or generators, will keep the doors functional during outages. Regular maintenance and timely servicing of automatic door systems will also help avoid technical malfunctions and maintain the security system’s dependability.

Precautions against Vandalism and Break-ins: Although automatic doors are one of life’s conveniences, they may sometimes expose one to property security risks due to the possibility of vandalism or attempted break-ins.

  • Solution: Reinforced door materials, tamper-proof locks, and integration into alarms or CCTV for higher security of these automatic doors against vandalism and break-ins. It is an essential deterrent against crime and can help secure your automatic door security systems in the most threatening scenarios.

Many of these solutions are based on the primary difficulties that all businesses face with automatic door systems, and they aim to improve reliability and security for each commercial property.

Wrap Up:

In today’s business environment, automatic door openers play a crucial role in enhancing security in commercial properties. 

From unmatched access control to advanced integration with security systems, they form the backbone of business operations in protecting employees, customers, and other assets. 

Be it motion sensor-based door opening, RFID card access, or biometric authentication, each class has its unique advantage in securing commercial areas.

More importantly, this calls for investment in customized commercial door automation solutions. 

With Farron Industries, you can ensure that your automatic door systems are secured and tailored to your business’s operations.


In what ways might an automated door opener increase security for commercial properties?

Automatic door openers enhance security by facilitating access control, and only authorized personnel will access restricted areas. This system can also be fitted with installations like surveillance systems and emergency response features, further enhancing employee and client safety and other assets.

Are automatic doors secure to use in high-traffic commercial spaces?

Yes, automatic doors in high-traffic areas have different security features, including motion sensors, RFID access, and biometric systems. Of course, each allows for easy entry while denying unwanted access.

Can automatic door openers be integrated with the existing security systems?

Yes, definitely. Automatic Door Security Systems easily integrate with CCTV systems, alarms, and access control systems to provide an integrated security solution that furthers monitoring and access management.

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